Our Philosophy

Although every child is different, the process tends to fall into three steps:

1. An assessment in which we assess your child as a whole, not just their academic level. We will pick up on where they are struggling – be it friends at school or fractions.

2. We speak to you about your child. Home life, relationships, personality and mindset play a huge role in a child’s development.

3. Once we establish an overall picture of your child, we will come up with a support plan which will involve you as a parent. This could be small group interventions with children we feel they will get along with, 1:1 tuition for gaps, a combination of both or even a set amount of homework that they can access independently at home.

4. Then there is one last stage of the Clever IQ formula which we don’t reveal but it’s something that our parents will explain only as ‘seeing is believing’

Some parents come to us because they want their child to go to the local grammar, some come because they are worried their child lacks confidence. We also work with parents and children who have special educational needs. We have worked with thousands of children and we understand that no two are the same. Some children will thrive in any classroom – but most don’t. We want Clever IQ children to be the best versions of themselves: pushing them to their maximum ability whilst truly understanding their need for happiness and security is our aim, our goal and our passion!